Tuesday, January 27, 2009

T1W4 Journal Writing : Festivals

Hi Everyone,

We are now celebrating Chinese New Year. This is one of the many festivals celebrated by the Chinese. The Malays, Indians and other races also celebrate their own festivals. For this week, I would like you to reflect on the meaning of these festivals and how we can preserve racial harmony in Singapore.

To help you with your reflection, I have listed some questions/pointers below:

1. Tell us about the festival you celebrate.

2. Why do you celebrate this festival?

3. How do you celebrate the festival?

4. Do you know what are the festivals celebrated by the other races? If so, could you name a few? Also tell us who celebrate them and why they celebrate them.

5. Do you think the celebration of the various festivals help in strengthening racial harmony among the various race in Singapore? If so, how?

6. In your opinion, how can we develop stronger bonds among the various races in Singapore?Looking forward to reading your reflection soon.

Mr Ng


  1. 1. Tell us about the festival you celebrate.

    2. Why do you celebrate this festival?

    3. How do you celebrate the festival?

    4. Do you know what are the festivals celebrated by the other races? If so, could you name a few? Also tell us who celebrate them and why they celebrate them.

    5. Do you think the celebration of the various festivals help in strengthening racial harmony among the various race in Singapore? If so, how?

    6. In your opinion, how can we develop stronger bonds among the various races in Singapore?Looking forward to reading your reflection soon.

    1. I celebrate Chinese New Year
    2. I am a Chinese.
    3. I celebrate by going to my relative's house.
    4. Depavali and Hari Raya.
    5. No.
    6. We can celebrate.

  2. I celebrated chinese new year by visiting my elders' house.We celebrate this festival to visit our elders.Some are the deepavali, hari raya puasa and haji.

  3. I celebrate Chinese New Year every year. I celebrate this festival because I am Chinese. I celebrate this festival by going to relatives' house and collect red packets from them.

  4. I celebrate chinese noew year because i an a chinese. I celebrate by visiting my elders

  5. I celebrate chinese new year.I celebrate this because I am a chinese and many chinese also celebrate chinese new year.I celebrate by going to my auntie,uncle and grandparents houses.We give my cousins ang uncle and aunties red packet and I also recieve red packets.We also have to give oranges too.There are other festivals such as deepavali and Hari Raya.The Indians celebrate deepavali and the malays celebrate hari raya.
    Yes,this helps other races to learn about other races.
    We can ask our neighbours who are different races.

  6. Hello.

    There are many festivals.
    One of them I celebrate is the most common one, Chinese New Year.

    I celebrate this festival becuase it is for the chinese and it is a speacial day for everybody.

    I celebrste this festival by going to friends or relatives houses'.
    I collect red packects there.

    There are also other festivals like Hari Raya.

    I do not know much about them but i know they are celebrted by malays.

    I think festivals are good for the country beccause it helps us to saty as a united country.

    We can celebrate with them but we cannot insult them or say nasty things.

  7. I celebrate Chinese new year,national day and many more.But some reason i dont celebrate deepavali and hariraya lolz ;p

  8. I celebrate Chinese New year because i am a Chinese.I go to my grandparents house to celebrate Chinese New Year.I only know Deepavali and Hari Raya.

  9. I celebrate chistmas, easter, and chinese new year. oh and too new year's day.

    i celebrate chistmas because christmas is all about giving and giving makes people happy.i celebrate this festival by waiting till 12 midnight then opening and giving presents.

  10. i nearly all finish visiting my relatives.
    i love celebrating with them! we play games.
    i not happy with those who ask me to shut up?! chinese new year suppose to be noisy!

  11. I celebrate most of my race festivals as I do know how to celebrate other races ones.

  12. Amelia Here. ^^

    The festival that I celebrate every year is Chinese New Year.

    I celebrate this festival because this is my family's tradition and I am a Chinese.

    I celebrate this festival by going to my relatives house to collect red packets. Almost every year, I will go to Malaysia to celebrate the new year. I also have many reunion dinners in Malaysia as well as Singapore.

    I know some other festivals like,
    -Hari Raya (Malays/Muslims)
    -Deepavali (Indians/Tamils)
    The Malays eat their traditional food during their festivals. They also collect green packets.
    I do not really know about how the Indians celebrate their festivals.

    I think the celebration of the various festivals help in strengthening racial harmony among the various race in Singapore as all these festivals help us to get reunited every year and help us to stay together.

    I think we can invite more friends and family to our reunion dinners in order to develop stronger bonds.

    That is all I have to say.

  13. The festival I celebrated was Chinese New Year. I celebrate this occasion/festival because it is the start of a new year on the Chinese calender. I celebrate this festival by going to my relatives house especially the grandmother on my father's side because she is ill and in a old folk's home. I think that celebrating festival will help strengthening Singapore's races because we can also participate in these festivals.

  14. 1.I celebrate Hari Raya

    2.I'm a Malay

    3.I celebrate by visiting my relative's house

    4.Depavali and Chinse new year


    6.We can ask them to celebrate with them


  15. I celebrate the festival Deepavali.I celebrate this function because this is mark the victory of good over the evils.
    I do a lot of things to celebrate Deepavali. Early in the morning I take an oil bath.After taking the oil bath I go to the temple and pray to god.
    Later in the evening I light the lamp and then light fire crackers.The purpose of lighting the lamp is to invite god.
    Some other festival that I know are Hari Raya, Chinese New Year and Christmas.
    The Malay people celebrate Hari Raya,the Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year and the Christians celebrate Christmas.They celebrate their festivals for different reasons.
    These celebrations of the various festivals help in strengthening racial harmony among the various races in Singapore as they teach each other more on differen races.
    We can surely develop stronger bonds among the various races in Singapore.

  16. Hi Mr Ng!

    I am Jun Hui. I am going to answer to your questions.

    1. I celebrate Chinese New Year every year.

    2. I celebrate chinese new year because it is an important celebration for the chinese.

    3. This few days, i go to my relatives house to bai nian. That means visit my relatives. I even celebrate another occation at my house with alot of my relatives. Which is my birthday. My birthday is on 26 Jan. This year, it is held on Chinese New Year.

    4. Yes. Deepavali was celebrated by the indains, Hari raya puasa and hari raya hagi for the malays and chrismas for the christain. They celebrate this occations because it is important to them too!

    5. Yes. It shows that we are friends instead of being enermies although we are in different races.

    6. We can celebrate more occations together every time when there is an occations.

    That all what I want to say. I wish you a Happy Chinese New Year!

  17. Please see my blog for any reflections .


    Thank You ,

    Sincerly ,

    Chloe! :)

  18. Me, same as Chloe, I posted it on my blog (:



    Best Regards,
    Siti! (:

  19. 1. I celebrate Chinese New Year
    2. I am a Chinese.
    3. I celebrate by going to my relative's house.
    4. Depavali and Hari Raya.
    5. No.
    6. We can celebrate.

  20. I celebrate chinese new year because i am a chinese. I went to my reletives' house to collect red packets!!

  21. i celebrate Chinese New Year I am Chinese i celebrate by going to my grandma house

  22. 1. I celebrate Christamas,Chinese New Year and Moon Cake Festival.
    2. We celbrate this occassion because it is important for us and it is fun to celebrate.
    3. We put decorations in our house, visit our grandma or cousins house to eat together.
    We also wish them a good luck and wish and adults gave childeren Hong Bao(money).
    4. Yes, Depavali and Hari Raya. Indian celebrate Depavali and Malay celebrate Hari Raya. They celebrate this festival because it is thier new year.
    5. Yes, it helps us to think more about other races and can know how to celbrate their festival by watching it.
    6. We can celebrate together with many races and can know what are they doing in their own festival.
